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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Florence, Italy; Naples, Italy; Rome, Italy; Salerno, Italy; Todi, Italy
  • Program Terms: Summer
  • Budget Sheets: Summer
Program Description:



  • 18 years of age or above
  • Good academic and disciplinary standing at Penn State
  • 2.5 cumulative GPA or better at the time of application review
  • Sophomore standing or above at the start of the program 
  • 0-3 semesters of college-level Italian language

Program Description 

Total cultural immersion in the heart of Italy is the cornerstone of the Todi program. Since 1986, families in Todi have been welcoming Penn State students into their homes during the six-week program. The experience provides students with a chance to become part of the fabric of the family and of the town. Since few residents speak English, students also have the opportunity for continuous language development.  Todi is a picturesque Umbrian town with a history dating back to Etruscan times. The historic center, with 6,000 residents, is built on a hill, sits around an intact medieval piazza, and includes outstanding examples of Gothic and Renaissance architecture.

The program is designed to combine classroom studies with travel through famous Italian cultural treasures: churches, museums, and archaeological sites. The instructors will meet the students at the airport in Rome and the group will travel together to Todi, where they will be based for the duration of the program. From there, day trips are tentatively planned to cities such as Tarquinia, Assisi, Ravenna, Siena, Pienza, and Urbino. Extended trips to other Italian cities are also on the itinerary. While site visits are considered extensions of the classroom experience, they are structured to allow independent exploration too. At the end of the program, the group will travel back to Rome together where they will spend the last days of the program. 

All participants will take 9 or 10 credits, depending on the Italian course they enroll in.  Equivalent competency may substitute for specific course prerequisites.  Students will be charge tuition according to the number of credits they take.

International students who are interested in studying in Italy during the summer semester should contact the Education Abroad Adviser for Italy concerning the immigration processes for international students.


Summer: May 11 - June 22, 2024

Program Leaders

Program Leader Information

  • Giuseppe Bruno-Chomin, Assistant Teaching Professor of Italian, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese 
  • Francesco Lacopo, Graduate Student in History
  • Emily Hagen, Graduate Student in Art History


Course Descriptions

All students are required to take 9 or 10 credits. Equivalent competency may substitute for specific course prerequisites. Students electing to take the 10 credit option will be charged an additional credit of tuition.

Lectures are designed to amplify the reading assignments from the text, and to provoke discussion by exploring certain themes and ideas related to these readings. The lectures will presuppose the assigned readings; therefore, it is necessary to complete the reading assignments before the corresponding lectures. During the remainder of the week we will be taking field trips or an extended excursion. Whenever possible lectures and readings will relate to these trips; or we will have a lecture or discussion at the site. All field trips are considered to be an extension of the regular class meetings, and you will be required to accompany the faculty to sites and museums while on these trips.

LANGUAGE (select one course)

IT 001 Elementary Italian (4 credits; no prerequisite), Dr. Giuseppe Bruno-Chomin
This 4 credit course is designed for students who have little to no knowledge of the Italian language. IT001 introduces the written and spoken language, through a variety of written and oral exercises. By the end of the semester, students will have a basic understanding of the language and communicative competency. The skills acquired in this course are needed for higher-level language study. This course will be conducted in Italian. 

IT 003 Intermediate Italian (4 credits; prerequisite: IT 002), Dr. Giuseppe Bruno-Chomin
This 4 credit course is designed for students who successfully completed IT1 and IT2 at Penn State, the equivalent at another university, or four or more years of high school Italian. In this course students will further develop communication skills in written and spoken Italian. Students will have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary, use language in a variety of contexts, and review grammar learned in elementary Italian courses. It is vital that each student actively participate in class and complete the necessary preparation outside of class. At the end of the semester, students will be able to understand and communicate effectively in both formal and informal contexts. This course will be conducted in Italian.  

IT 399 Advanced Italian (3 credits; prerequisite: IT 003), Dr. Giuseppe Bruno-Chomin  
This 3 credit course is designed for students who have successfully completed IT003 or IT20 at Penn State, or the equivalent at another university. The purpose of this course is to further the development of communication skills in written and spoken Italian, and prepare students for advanced conversation and composition at the 400 level. IT399 offers students the opportunity to expand their vocabulary, to use the Italian language in a variety of contexts and refine grammar constructions learned in elementary and intermediate level courses. It is vital that each student actively participate in class and complete the necessary preparation outside of class. By the end of the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in both formal and informal contexts. This course will be conducted in Italian.  

HISTORY (select two courses)
Both 3 credit courses below are required:  "Italian History Through People and Places" and "Italian Art History"

Students in the Todi program have the option to enroll in courses with a 499 designation (History or Art History). A 499 course entails a research project/paper, in place of, or in addition to, a final exam, to be coordinated with the course instructor. The final paper/project is typically submitted after the program ends, and the final grade is deferred until submission.

HIST 299/499 or IT299 Italian History Through People and Places (3 credits), Francesco Lacopo  
Welcome to History 299/499, “Italian History through People and Places!” This course is designed around one central fact: that we all have the privilege of being in Italy for six weeks. The course integrates the Todi Program’s regular excursions and immersion emphasis into its syllabus. For six weeks, we will think like historians by considering the physical spaces and places we visit as we analyze historical texts. As we meet new people and communicate with them in their own language, we will discover the myriad ways in which Italians relate to and locate themselves within the deep and rich history of their country.   

This course exposes students to methods of historical analysis and cultural learning crucial for informed engagement with our globalized and ever-changing world. Specifically, it introduces students to important primary sources for the study Italian history, and to the broad range of ways that Italian and English-speaking historians write about the area now comprising the Italian nation-state. The course seeks to cultivate students as historically- and culturally informed global citizens while preparing them to pursue further study of Italian history and culture. 

While it is true in all places that “the past is not even past,” this fact is especially evident in Italy. The Italian Peninsula’s documented history is thousands of years old. In ancient times, Rome was the capital of a vast and arguably the most influential empire in world history. The cultures of the global Renaissance—a crucial ingredient of modernity—have their roots here. Yet the modern nation-state of Italy did not exist until the late nineteenth century, and arguments over whether Italy is a “successful state” persisted into the recent past. 

Central questions that we will be able to answer by the end of the class include: How do Italians and non-Italians speak, write, and process their own history? What is our role and what are our responsibilities as Americans who consume, write, and talk about Italian history and culture? How has global history shaped the history of Italy, and vice versa? And finally, what do we even mean when we speak of “Italian history,” given the peninsula’s vast cultural diversity and history of repeated fragmentation and reconstitution?      

ART H 299/499 Italian Art History (3 credits), Emily Hagen

This course examines the art and architecture found on the Italian peninsula from Antiquity through the Baroque period, with a particular focus on the Late Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. We will pay particular attention to the cultures, monuments, and artists found in Central Italy. The lectures in class will roughly be chronological, and will prepare you for the site visits. This course is meant to provide you with an understanding of the visual culture of the peoples living in the Italian peninsula. We will look at the historical context of the objects and buildings, as well as the social, religious and political circumstances of the artists or architects. We will also examine how older artistic and architectural traditions are used by later generations and why they have the desire to reference the past. This will help foster an understanding of the deep implications of the visual arts in the social and cultural contexts throughout the history of the Italian peninsula.  


Course Selection

Students are required to select from and take the prescribed courses listed above as participants on the program. The Education Abroad Office will register you for these courses. To determine how these courses will fit into your degree requirements, you will need to work with your academic adviser. Suggested tips:
  • Research courses offered on your program
  • Meet with your academic adviser to discuss potential courses abroad and your degree requirements.
  • Complete your Course Selection Questionnaire in the ‘Post-Decision’ section of your application to choose the courses you want from the program options.
  • Keep in mind that courses abroad may change, so you will need to discuss possible back-up course options.

Academic Policies

  • You must enroll in a minimum number of 9 credits and a maximum number of 10 credits
  • You cannot take any courses abroad on a Pass/Fail basis
  • If you are studying abroad in your final semester at Penn State, please note that Penn State may not receive your grades in time for graduation

Housing and Meals


Students will lodge with host families while in Todi. The host institution, in Todi, La Lingua La Vita, will arrange the homestays. During overnight trips to Florence, Naples, and Rome, students will stay in hotels.

On field trips, students will stay in hotels and will be responsible for paying for their own meals.


Some meals (breakfast, lunch) will be provided as part of the homestay experience. On field trips, students will be responsible for most meals.

Costs and Funding

Program Costs

Summer Costs

For more information on program costs, please be sure to review the budget sheet. These budget sheets include information on costs that are billable to the bursar bill, as well as estimated additional costs. Costs vary by program, so it is important to review this information carefully.

Please note that tuition rates may vary depending on major and class standing.


The Education Abroad Office awards a number of grants and scholarships to students who participate in an education abroad program through Penn State Global. The application for the scholarships awarded through the Education Abroad Office is included with your program application. Eligibility is based on academic merit and/or financial need. You must have a current FAFSA on file to be awarded. There are additional scholarship opportunities through our partner universities, Penn State Academic Departments, and other sources. To view a full list of scholarships, eligibility requirements, and deadlines visit Funding Study Abroad.

Student Aid

Penn State students who plan to study on a Penn State approved program can use most forms of financial aid towards the cost of the program. Exceptions include work-study awards and some athletic scholarships. If you have specific questions regarding your aid awards, contact the Penn State Office of Student Aid.

Withdrawal & Refund Policy

Withdrawal and refund details are dependent on the timing and reason for your withdrawal from a Penn State Education Abroad Program. For specific details and steps on how to withdraw, read the Education Abroad Policies.

After Commitment

Once a student has committed to a Penn State Education Abroad program, they are financially responsible for any fees incurred on their behalf. Therefore, if a student plans to withdraw from a program it is their responsibility to immediately notify the Education Abroad office, in writing; email is preferred.

Regardless of the timing or reason for the withdrawal, the student will be responsible for paying the Education Abroad Administrative Fees. For faculty-led freestanding programs, there is a specific withdrawal penalty schedule. 

Education Abroad makes every attempt at keeping the program and administrative costs to a minimum. However, when you commit to participating in a program, Education Abroad begins to make financial commitments on your behalf. In case of withdrawal, the following fees will be charged to your Bursar account

  • Upon Commitment - 90 Days Prior to Departure: 25% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee 

  • 30 - 89 Days Prior to Departure: 50% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee 

  • 29 Days - Departure Date: 100% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee

Following the start of the summer semester, any adjustment of tuition charges will be made according to the Tuition Adjustment Schedule as determined by the Office of the Bursar. More information can be found on the University Senate Policy on Withdrawal and Leave of Absence.

After the Start of the Program

If a student withdraws after the start of a program, any adjustment of Penn State tuition charges will be made according to the Tuition Adjustment Schedule as determined by the Office of the Bursar. Students may be responsible for up to 100% of program costs. In most cases, partial credit cannot be awarded for leaving a program before its successful completion.

For additional information on withdrawal policies, separate and apart from financial consequences, please consult the University Senate Policy on Withdrawal and Leave of Absence.

Life Abroad

General Information

Studying abroad can be one of the most exciting and transformative experiences of your college career. It is an opportunity to develop independence, build cross-cultural competencies, grow as a person, and enhance your academic program. Entering a new culture can be challenging for everyone. You may ask yourself: is this the right country for me? What are their cultural norms? How will my identity be perceived there? What can I do to prepare for this experience? What will my daily life be like? Below are resources to help you answer these questions.

Accessibility Considerations

Penn State Education Abroad works closely with campus resources and our partner institutions around the world to ensure that students of all abilities reach their goal of studying abroad. While we cannot guarantee the accessibility of all program sites and locations, specific accommodations may be arranged on an individual basis. If you have accommodation needs or further questions please consult with the Student Disability Resources office and your Education Abroad Adviser. Additional resources are available through the Penn State Global Website. Disability information will not be used during the admissions process, but rather is meant to provide students with resources to help in planning a successful experience abroad.

Gender and LGBTQA Considerations 

There are dramatic and subtle differences in how gender, identity, sexual expression, and sexual health are perceived in different countries. Before going abroad, it is important that you research the specific country or countries you will be visiting and have a full understanding of their cultural norms. Below are some resources to help you with that research and provide guidance for your life abroad.

Race, Ethnicity, and Faith Considerations 

When choosing a study abroad location and preparing for your travels, you will want to be mindful of how your experience will be different than what you are used to in the United States. Your racial, ethnic, and spiritual identities may be interacted with and labeled by others differently than what you expect. Here are resources to help you prepare for these differences.

Non-U.S. Citizens

It is possible for non-U.S. Citizens to study abroad through Penn State. To do so successfully, you must plan early because this process may involve obtaining visas and other governmental procedures. Check with your DISSA Adviser prior to committing to a study abroad program and speak with your Education Abroad Adviser for specific information on the host country. If you plan on traveling to other countries during your study abroad experience, you will need to research and make plans to adhere to immigration policies for all of the countries that you plan to travel to and through. You are responsible for applying for visas for all applicable countries on your own. Advisers in the Education Abroad office cannot apply for your visa for you. Additional information may be available through your country's embassy and the consulate for your study abroad country.

Next Steps

Steps to Study Abroad

The planning stages outlined on the Penn State Global website will help you have the best study abroad experience possible. We recommend that you begin this process at least one year prior to the semester you plan on studying abroad. Visit the Steps to Study Abroad section of the Penn State Global website for more details.

How to Apply

Click the “Apply Now” button on this page to get started!

Application procedures can vary by program. Students should consult the application instructions available within each application. For more information, see the Application Process section of the Penn State Global website.


You must apply to this program by he Penn State deadline. For a list of deadlines visit the Application Process page of the Penn State Global website.

Contact Education Abroad

If you have general questions about Education Abroad opportunities at Penn State, please email

Peer Advisers

Education Abroad Peer Advisers are Penn State study abroad returnees who advise students on education abroad opportunities at Penn State. Each Peer Adviser can explain program options, give an overview of the study abroad process, as well as provide information about their experience abroad. Peer Advisers have walk-in hours in Boucke Building during the fall and spring semester when classes are in session. For more information, visit the Education Abroad Peer Adviser website.

Education Abroad Advisers

Education Abroad Advisers can provide information about courses, support services, application processes, housing details, program costs, cultural expectations, pre-departure requirements, and much more. For more information about how to meet with an Education Abroad Adviser, please visit the Penn State Global website.

Social Media

Facebook   Instagram   Twitter   Youtube

For information about upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, deadlines, and much more visit the Global Programs Events Calendar and follow us on social media!

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Summer 2024 01/24/2024
02/07/2024 05/11/2024 06/22/2024
NOTE: Start date marks arrival in host country. End date marks departure from program housing

Indicates that deadline has passed