- 18 years of age or above
- Good academic and disciplinary standing at Penn State
- 3.0 cumulative GPA or better at the time of application review
- Sophomore standing or above at the start of the program
- ENGL 15/30/137/CAS 137 or equivalent; a physical science course, BIOL 110/110H or BIOL 161 strongly preferred.
Program Description
Oxford and London are unique cultural destinations, featuring world-famous museums, gardens, architecture, libraries, theatrical and musical arts, historic sites, etc. Students will utilize new systems of transportation and conduct transactions with new currency while enjoying accents and customs from all over the world. Students will have opportunities to participate in quintessentially British rituals including high tea and pub nights with locals (as well as plentiful tourists) and to enjoy places they've encountered in books and film--e.g., Christ Church Great Hall (Hogwarts' dining hall in the Harry Potter franchise), Eagle and Child Pub (the former haunt of the writing group "The Inklings" that included J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis), Bridge of Sighs that connects two parts of Hertford College, Dr. George's College! (shown in almost every image of Oxford), reproduction of The Globe Theatre (particularly appealing to literature and drama buffs). They will study the use of psychedelics in modern psychiatric medicine with an English psychiatrist-neuroscientist, discuss ethical dilemmas that arise in the National Health System (NHS) with a medical ethicist who has been appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire, explore connections between visual art and medicine with an English surgical oncologist/scientist, and talk with and shadow an English general surgeon in clinic (likely not in the operating theatre).
Perhaps the most engaging and illuminating intercultural experience will be the pedagogical method we have chosen for the course: the traditional Oxford-style tutorial. Tutorials are small-group meetings between professors ("tutors") and students that are designed to hone critical thinking. As explained directly to the students in the syllabus, "Tutorials are quite different from the traditional class sessions we're used to in the US. Preparation is more intense and self-paced; you must carefully budget what appears to be 'free time' in order to complete the kind of work required in tutorials. Tutors will provide prework assignments, readings, and foundational information. For each tutorial, students will compose a paper based on a prompt from tutors and use it as a basis from which to generate the rigorous discussion that constitutes each tutorial. Your engagement in the process of proposing and debating an "argument" each session must convey intimate familiarity with the ideas, details, and nuances in the materials. Note that we will not discuss each reading separately or fully. Rather, it is your task to synthesize meanings in the papers you present and submit." In total, immersion into these quintessentially British spaces and practices will help provide a rich intercultural experience, which is a main learning outcome for the course.
Summer: May 30 - June 20, 2023
Program Costs
Summer Costs
For more information on program costs, please be sure to review the budget sheet. These budget sheets include information on costs that are billable to the bursar bill, as well as estimated additional costs. Costs vary by program, so it is important to review this information carefully.
Please note that tuition rates may vary depending on major and class standing.
The Education Abroad Office awards a number of grants and scholarships to students who participate in an education abroad program through Penn State Global. The application for the scholarships awarded through the Education Abroad Office is included with your program application. Eligibility is based on academic merit and/or financial need. You must have a current FAFSA on file to be awarded. There are additional scholarship opportunities through our partner universities, Penn State Academic Departments, and other sources. To view a full list of scholarships, eligibility requirements, and deadlines visit Funding Study Abroad.
Student Aid
Penn State students who plan to study on a Penn State approved program can use most forms of financial aid towards the cost of the program. Exceptions include work-study awards and some athletic scholarships. If you have specific questions regarding your aid awards, contact the Penn State Office of Student Aid.
Withdrawal & Refund Policy
Withdrawal and refund details are dependent on the timing and reason for your withdrawal from a Penn State Education Abroad Program. For specific details and steps on how to withdraw, read the Education Abroad Policies.
After Commitment
Once a student has committed to a Penn State Education Abroad program, they are financially responsible for any fees incurred on their behalf. Therefore, if a student plans to withdraw from a program it is their responsibility to immediately notify the Education Abroad office, in writing; email is preferred.
Regardless of the timing or reason for the withdrawal, the student will be responsible for paying the Education Abroad Administrative Fees. For faculty-led freestanding programs, there is a specific withdrawal penalty schedule.
Education Abroad makes every attempt at keeping the program and administrative costs to a minimum. However, when you commit to participating in a program, Education Abroad begins to make financial commitments on your behalf. In case of withdrawal, the following fees will be charged to your Bursar account
Upon Commitment - 90 Days Prior to Departure: 25% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee
30 - 89 Days Prior to Departure: 50% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee
29 Days - Departure Date: 100% Program Fee + EA Admin Fee
Following the start of the summer semester, any adjustment of tuition charges will be made according to the Tuition Adjustment Schedule as determined by the Office of the Bursar. More information can be found on the University Senate Policy on Withdrawal and Leave of Absence.
After the Start of the Program
If a student withdraws after the start of a program, any adjustment of Penn State tuition charges will be made according to the Tuition Adjustment Schedule as determined by the Office of the Bursar. Students may be responsible for up to 100% of program costs. In most cases, partial credit cannot be awarded for leaving a program before its successful completion.
For additional information on withdrawal policies, separate and apart from financial consequences, please consult the University Senate Policy on Withdrawal and Leave of Absence.